The Boosting INGENIUM for Excellence (BI4E) project is a joint initiative of eight European higher education institutions that are part of the INGENIUM Alliance. We aim to give a boost to our Alliance by enhancing inter-university cooperation, increasing our global competitiveness, addressing societal challenges, and strengthening the capacities of our partners in the widening countries

Develop the strategic planning capacities in the Widening countries partner HEIs

Support institutional transformation and stronger governance structures in the Widening countries partner HEIs

Enhance research capacity and performance in the Widening countries partner HEIs

Promote closer and durable cooperation between research groups from the partner Universities

Improve the partner HEIs ability to liaise with the industry, to transfer knowledge and to commercialise research results

Modernise and make more attractive the scientific career for all

This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-05-01-European Excellence Initiative under Grant Agreement No. 101071321 -BI4E

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